The much-anticipated final journey in the story of Felix, hero of Morris Gleitzman's multi-award-winning Once, Then, Now, After, Soon and Maybe. It's fifteen years since readers were first introduced to Felix in Once and across six celebrated books, our brave young hero has survived many unforgettable and emotional journeys.
Now comes the seventh and final part of Felix's story, bringing to a powerful climax a series that countless young readers around the world will remember - Always.
Always seeing the best in people.
Always helping those in need.
Always facing problems head on.
Always telling a great story to add to the life of the incredible Felix.
Now 90 years old, Felix still finds it in his heart to help others. When Wassin arrives at his door, Felix knows that he must help this young boy as they take a journey across the globe to fix problems, both of today and the past.
For 16 years we have been delighted to share the miracle of Felix, on his journey from childhood to being lucky enough to become an old man.
This book is a lovely story to read alone, but for those of us that have shared in Felix’s life journey, it is a must read and a terrific final instalment.
A great read for anyone aged 9 - 90.
Reviewed by Rob