When will my Book Fair be delivered?
We will speak to you in the weeks leading up to your Book Fair to confirm a drop off time. We do our very best (subject to availability) to arrange a time that suits you. If possible, it is best arranged at a time that you are available to meet with our representative to set up the Book Fair.
Yes, we supply easy to use, portable EFTPOS machines with our Book Fairs.
Our Book Fairs involve minimal paperwork. You will need to fill out one simple form at the completion of your Book Fair. If you would like to allow your students to reorder items that you have sold out of in the Fair you will also need to let us know which items and how many. These orders are best done via email at the end of each day (and we try to deliver as many of these orders as possible at the conclusion of the Fair).
We have a huge range of books that can be included in your Book Fair. We also have a range of novelty items (pencils, stationery, colouring books etc) that can be included. Before your Fair, we will speak to you to determine what your students are particularly interested in so that your Book Fair is tailored to your school's needs.
How long can I keep my Book Fair?
Generally, most Book Fairs run for approximately 1 week. Depending upon availability, and your requirements, Book Fairs may be longer or shorter. Please discuss your requirements with us at the time of booking.
Do you provide Wish Lists?
Yes, we provide Wish Lists with our Book Fairs.
Can I re-order items that I run out of stock of during my Book Fair?
The majority of items in our Book Fairs can be re-ordered. Some items may have a label indicating that they are the last copy and cannot be re-ordered. In the case of these items, unfortunately re-ordering is not possible.


To place orders, the easiest way is to send through an email at the end of each day so that we can set stock aside for you. We generally attempt to deliver re-ordered stock at the time that your Fair is collected.
How many trolleys will I receive?
This depends on a number of factors - the availability of trolleys, how many children you have at your school and the approximate size of your Book Fair as well as the physical space that you have available for the trolleys. This will be discussed with you before your Book Fair.
How much commission will I receive?
Please refer to our 'Commission Structure' page for more information on Commission.
The trolleys will need to go up stairs. Is this a problem?
This depends on the size and layout of the stairs. We do have a ramp allowing us to move the trolleys up some sets of stairs. If this applies to you, please let us know so that we can make appropriate arrangements.