By: Angela Casabene
Illustrated by: Michelle Conn
Genre: YBC - Picture books
Published by: Affirm Press
Published: 27 Dec 2023
ISBN: 9781922863287


Book Of The Month Ps

When was the last time you tried something new for the first time? How did you feel after you tried it, and would you do it again?

The main character tries to surf. She is standing up ... but then she falls down. Why is it important to try something, even if you might not be good at it straight away?

What types of activities does the main character do during her day at the beach? Is this similar or different to what you like to do at the beach?

Sometimes the main character is alone. Find all the times that the main character is on her own. Does she look happy or sad, or a mixture of both?

What types of things do you like to do when you’re by yourself?

The main character makes friends at the beach. What activities does she do with her friends?

Have you ever made a friend when you were on holiday or on a day out somewhere?

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