By: Nova Weetman
Genre: YFB - General fiction (Children's/Teenage)
Published by: University of Queensland Press
Published: 03 Oct 2016
ISBN: 9780702254161


Sf Book Of The Month

If only we could all go back to the way it was before . . .

Jake and Alex. Best mates. One terrible mistake. Two lives that will never be the same.

Told in reverse, this powerful and gritty novel moves through the wreckage of a broken friendship, back to the moment when everything changed.


Written in reverse, we count back to moment when lifetime best friends Jake and Alex make the biggest mistake of their lives.

We see the impact gradually and learn of the cause that so markedly changes the lives of two pretty normal guys who did one thing wrong.

Nova has gotten into the minds and characters of these two beautifully and written a suspense filled story novel that is so easy to get into.

We see a great friendship ruined and the raw angst as the boys deal with their situation so differently.

This is an enthralling page turner, as well as eye opening cautionary tale, that manages to successfully tread the fine line of getting its point across but avoiding “preaching” to the audience.

A great read for those 14+ and older.

Reviewed by Rob