Subtitle: A Garbological Adventure
By: Lee Constable
Illustrated by: James Hart
Genre: YXZG - Social issues: environment & green issues (Children's / Teenage)
Published by: Penguin
Published: 4 Jun 2019
ISBN: 9781760890261


Let's go on a journey - it's going to be stinky, sticky and pretty gross, but if you want to be a waste warrior it's the most important journey you'll ever take.

How to Save the Whole Stinkin' Planet will take you on a garbological adventure like no other. From diving into the rubbish bin and delving into landfill, to rummaging through the recycling and digging about in compost.

As a waste warrior in training, you will earn badges as you work your way through each chapter, completing activities, DIYs and eco-experiments. Every part of this training will enhance your understanding of waste management and the impact our household rubbish is having on the (stinkin') planet.