There's a hill out the back of Joey's house. Hardly anyone goes there - it's not a beautiful place, just a covered-over old rubbish tip. But Joey likes it up there. It's his hill - somewhere he likes to go to wonder about life. He longs to be the best at something, to be a famous astronaut, or mountain climber, to stand out.
When Joey discovers a tree house in an old peppercorn tree on the hill, he is annoyed that someone has invaded his special place. But he is also curious about who the intruder could be. But making contact isn't easy. The tree-house girl is wild and hostile and full of secrets - Joey needs to work out a way to win her over. And as he does, he finds a way to shine.
Marsh and Me is a story about friendship and trust and learning to believe in yourself and what makes you special. Martine Murray's beautifully rounded characters, with all their self-doubts, yearnings and wise insights, will delight readers young and old.
This is a detailed and beautiful told story of friendship and finding your place in the world.
You will love Joey from the minute you start reading this book, full of self-doubt and his longing to just find where he fits. Sports are not his thing, and although he loves to play his guitar, he is far too shy to ever consider playing it in front of others!
But when he meets the very mysterious Marsh, she brings a whole new dimension to his life. What is she hiding? And why is he so drawn to her, even with all her bossy ways?
We are taken on a journey of self discovery, not only for Joey and Marsh, but also for Marsh’s Dad who finds a new lease on life as he helps Joey.
It really is a beautifully written story that has many levels to it. Middle to senior readers will thoroughly enjoy this book, and hopefully take from it some of the very important messages that it portrays about being true to yourself, and self-confidence.
Reviewed by Sam