Max Booth is an 11-year-old shadie urchin living in the Year 2424, struggling to survive. With the chance to make some money by uncovering the secrets of mysterious gadgets from the 20th century for the Bluggsville City Museum, Max and his faithful, but slightly neurotic, robo-dog Oscar start investigating.
But the path to success is never easy, and there are sinister tricks, strange characters and lots of challenges along the way. Max and Oscar have been asked to identify an object that’s baffling everyone - a 1980s cassette tape. But there’s more to this tape than meets the eye.
The tape contains long lost songs from a popular mega-star David Snowie, and now there’s a strange musicological expert who clearly wants to stop them in their tracks.
Set in 2424, Max and his dog Oscar, whose job it is to help Jessie locate new objects for the museum, find themselves caught up in a mystery, centred around a strange object that they found from the 1980’s.
But their quest to find out all about this strange object, a cassette tape with recordings of ‘David Snowie’, leads them to music expert Dr Ivan Grizzlowe and into a whole lot of trouble! How are they going to get out of this one?
Set in the future, this new series will get your students really thinking about the changes that take place over the generations and will lead to great discussions about what life might be like in the future, and how it was in the past.
Having grown up in the 1980’s, I found this book taking me back to an all too familiar item! But for your students reading this book, it is a time that, for them, will be seen as the ‘olden days’!
It will be enjoyed by all your junior to middle level readers.
Reviewed by Sam