Mel Gordon loves running, and watching Seinfeld, but mostly she loves Cathy Freeman. It's 2000 and the Olympics are going to be held in Australia. In a year of surprises,
Mel finds out that Cathy Freeman is coming to talk to her school. And her family is heading to Sydney! It becomes an unforgettable journey to Corroboree 2000, bringing together all Australians as they march and sing and celebrate Australia's Indigenous heritage and also acknowledge past wrongs.
It’s 2000 and the Olympics are going to be held in Sydney. Mel lives in Ipswich with her twin brother Sam and her Mum and Dad. Mel loves to run and her hero is Cathy Freeman.
This is the story of one Aboriginal family, and their journey through one amazing year. Cathy Freeman comes to her school, and Mel’s whole family go to Sydney to join in the Peoples Walk for Reconciliation across the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
This is beautifully written and highlights the importance of all Australians celebrating together and learning from each other, as well as learning from the mistakes of the past. We are always stronger together, and this book emphasises the joy to be found in friendship.
Perfect for readers in Year 5 and up.
Reviewed by Michelle