Stacey Casey is a fun and adventurous middle grade series that will take kids on a wild ride into the past.
On their journey, readers will discover surprising and sometimes hidden and fascinating historical facts. Stacey and her friend Oliver travel back in time where they encounter villains, heroes, tantalising mysteries and intriguing adventures that will keep kids guessing. The Stacey Casey series is a wonderful combination of time travel, friendship, courage, science, history and mystery all wrapped up in one.
Stacey Casey’s father is a terrible inventor. But now, despite years of failed inventions, he has created a functioning time machine. Well…kind of! Instead of sending him back in time, he turns their entire house into a time machine, transporting everyone and everything in it. Stacey and her friend Oliver find themselves in 1965 faced with a series of extraordinary events. They find a bizarre artifact and encounter strange man who seems to know Stacey … but why is he chasing them? Who set the school on fire? And what’s with all the famous people they keep meeting? Can the friends solve the string of unanswered questions and find their way home?
Stacey’s Dad is an inventor, although most of the things he makes never work properly. Only this time it’s different - his invention works!
He has turned their whole house into a time machine and Stacey, her friend Oliver, and her Dad suddenly find themselves in 1965, in their own town.
So much is different, but a lot is the same. What follows is a fun and adventurous story, with a bit of mystery and some famous figures thrown in for good measure.
This is the first book in the series that is sure to be a hit with readers from Year 4 and up. It has great themes of friendship, adventure, science and history, so will appeal to a broad range. It would also make for a fun classroom story.
Reviewed by Michelle