By: Stewart Foster
Genre: YFB - General fiction (Children's/Teenage)
Published by: Simon & Schuster
Published: 01 Jun 2016
ISBN: 9781471145407


Amir is mad. He’s crazy. But the hospital wouldn’t let a crazy person in. They must have interviewed him and checked his qualifications. But maybe he didn’t even meet them? Maybe he hasn’t even come from India. He might have arrived on an alien spaceship and snuck in here in the middle of the night.

Eleven-year-old Joe can't remember a life outside of his hospital room, with its beeping machines and view of London's rooftops. His condition means he's not allowed outside, not even for a moment, and his few visitors risk bringing life-threatening germs inside his 'bubble'. But then someone new enters his world and changes it for ever.

THE BUBBLE BOY is the story of how Joe spends his days, copes with his loneliness and frustrations, and looks - with superhero-style bravery, curiosity and hope - to a future without limits. Expect superheroes, super nurses and a few tears from this truly unique story.


Suffering from a severe hyper auto immune deficiency, eleven-year-old Joe has never lived anywhere but in his bubble world - a highly controlled room in a hospital. Joe’s one friend is Henry, who lives across the world in America in the same environment as Joe, and that chat online whilst dreaming of going outside.

This is an extremely moving look at the life of a very sick young man, who faces his problems head on, just like the superhero that he dreams he is.

Filled with sadness and a scary look at his mortality, Joe never gives up hope. With the help of his crazy new nurse Amir, who believes in aliens, will Joe be able to fulfil some of his dreams?

This is a truly wonderful read in the ilk of The Fault in Our Stars and Wonder and will be loved by high school students of all ages.

Reviewed by Rob