By: Adam Cece
Illustrated by: Andrew Weldon
Genre: YFHR - Fantasy romance (Teenage)
Published by: Text Publishing
Published: 2 Apr 2018
ISBN: 9781925603484


Kipp Kindle and his friends Tobias Treachery and Cymphany Chan live in Huggabie Falls, the weirdest town on Earth. Weird things happen all the time - that's normal. But when an extremely weird thing happens Kipp and his friends know that something is wrong. They embark on a fast-paced, action-packed, hilarious adventure to find out what is making everything turn normal, and to return the weirdness to Huggabie Falls.

With an evil villain, Felonious Dark, a creepy scientist and a fierce wand-wielding teacher, who has turned Cymphany into a baby hippopotamus, to contend with, not to mention killer vampire bats, vegetarian piranhas and a Portuguese-speaking lab rat called Ralf, Kipp, Tobias and Cymphany have quite a task ahead of them.


‘Weird’ really is one word that you would use to describe Huggabie Falls!

Kipp, Tobias and Cymphany have all gravitated together as friends, as they found themselves isolated, due to the unique ‘weirdness’ of each of their families. But in Huggabie Falls, ‘weird’ really is normal.

Where else would you find a mean witch as a teacher, every street with the same name, and everyone’s first and last names starting with the same letter?

But then even weirder thing starts to happen. The ‘weirdness’ is being replaced by normality, and Cymphany’s family who was considerably normal (which made them weird compared to everyone else in town), is becoming weird!

At first, the changes seemed to be everything that the three friends have ever wanted, but now they aren’t so sure. Can they get to the bottom of the mystery?

This is a fun, adventure packed story, full of interesting characters, that will be thoroughly enjoyed by all of those 8+.

Reviewed by Sam

Teacher Notes prepared by the publisher are available on our website for this title.

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