It struck Henry that perhaps he was waiting for the exact right moment to be daring and brave. The exact right moment where he felt no worry at all, not one tiny flicker. But what if that moment never came? Henry Hoobler is a reluctant adventurer worried about his summer holiday: camping at the beach, bugs, spiders, snakes, stingers, blue ringed octopi and sharks.
Worst of all, his family and friends are pushing him to ride his new silver bike without training wheels. But when Henry meets Cassie, he discovers that courage is there to be found when you have a friend who is straight up and true...
Henry Hoobler is a worrier. He wants to stay hidden beside his bed until his family leaves on their summer holidays. He doesn't want to think about sleeping in a tent on the ground or bugs, spiders, snakes, stingers, storms or sharks!
But most of all, he doesn’t want to learn how to ride his new silver bike in front of all his family and friends. Until he meets Cassie - she has a way of making Henry feel that anything is possible, if only he will give it a try.
This is a beautifully written and thoroughly enjoyable book that will suit middle to upper primary readers.
The characters are so easily recognisable, especially Henry’s family and his new friend Cassie. If you love Glenda Millard’s Kingdom of Silk series then you will love this story.
This is a book full of friendship, holidays, learning new things, coping with worry, and most of all, love and support from your family. A great story for anyone who has struggled to deal with their worries. I loved it, and highly recommend it.
Reviewed by Michelle