By: Mara Rutherford
Genre: YFB - General fiction (Children's / Teenage)
Published by: HarperCollins Publishers
Published: 4 Jan 2023
ISBN: 9781867261544


Outsiders are always given a choice: the Forest or the lake. Either way, they’re never heard from again.

Leelo has spent her entire life on Endla, coexisting with the bloodthirsty Forest and respecting the poisonous lake that protects her island from outsiders who seek to destroy it. But as much as Leelo cares for her community, she struggles to accept that her younger brother will be exiled by his next birthday, unless he gains the magic of enchanted song so vital to Endla.

When Leelo sees a young outsider on the verge of drowning in the lake, she knows exactly what she’s supposed to do. But in a moment that will change everything, Leelo betrays her family, her best friend, and Endla by making an unthinkable choice.

Discovery could lead to devastating consequences for both Leelo and the outsider, Jaren, but as they grow closer, Leelo realizes that not all danger comes from beyond the lake — and they can only survive if Leelo is willing to question the very fabric of her society, her people, and herself.

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Leelo lives on the enchanted island of Endla, which is surrounded by a poisonous lake that keeps everyone else out. The inhabitants all have the magical gift of singing unsuspecting outsiders to their death – outsiders who are sacrificed to their forest, and the forest in turn protects them.

Those without the gift, like Leelo’s brother Tate, are exiled from the island at the age of twelve to become outsiders and live in the evil outside world. The only way off the island is by taking the protected boat at the time when the poison in the lake is at its lowest.

Jaren is an outsider. His family has just moved to a village near the lake, and Jaren is drawn to the singing he hears. Leelo has seen Jaren across the lake. When Jaren is trying to escape from a dangerous wolf, he finishes up finding the protected boat and washing up on the island’s shore. Leelo sees him, and although it is her duty to kill him on sight, she can’t bring herself to do it, and instead decides to hide him away. Jaren seems nice, and Leelo might even have feelings for him…

But there are lots of secrets exposed by their meeting. Why is Jaren not mesmerised by their singing?

Is the outside world really so bad? Leelo begins to question everything that the elders have taught her for her entire life, leading to a dramatic conclusion.

This is a terrific novel filled with adventure, mystery, magic and romance that encourages readers to not always believe what they are being told, and to find their own truth. Perfect for readers aged 12 to 16.

Reviewed by Rob