So Banner 2025

Why choose us?

  • We are a 100% Australian family owned and operated business.
  • Completely Independent - we choose the best books from the widest range of publishers as we have no alignment with any one publishing house.
  • Saves you money - approx 25% discount off RRP on the best new titles each month!
  • Saves you time - one simple order form and one payment!
  • Quality teacher notes provided for all Picture Story and Younger Picture Books titles - all available in hard copy and online.
  • Reviews of all Primary and Secondary Fiction titles including reading recommendations.
  • Our packages can be tailored to suit your needs. Just ask us when you subscribe.
  • Use our 20 years of experience as Victoria's leading children's book specialists to stock your library.
  • Advance notification of 'What's Coming Next Month'


Our 2025 Packages -



Picture Story

For $1,045 you get $1360 worth of books
9 packages, February - October
Approx 6 books per month
$315 saving off RRP!

Primary Fiction

For $720 you get $900 worth of books
9 packages, February - October
Approx 6 books per month
$180 saving off RRP!


Primary Non-Fiction

For $835 you get $1070 worth of books
9 packages, February - October
Approx 5 books per month
$235 saving off RRP!

Younger Picture Books

For $420 you get $500 worth of books
9 packages, February - October
Approx 2 - 3 books per month
$80 saving off RRP!


Primary Graphic Novels

For $320 you get $400 worth of books
9 packages, February - October
Approx 2-3 books per month
$80 saving off RRP!


For $100 you get $125 worth of books
1 package in October
$25 saving off RRP!




For $1020 you get $1320 worth of books
9 packages, February - October
Approx 8 books per month
$300 saving off RRP!

Lower Secondary

For $430 you get $570 worth of books
9 packages, February - October
Approx 3-4 books per month
$140 saving off RRP!



Secondary Graphic Novels

For $320 you get $400 worth of books
9 packages, February - October
Approx 2-3 books per month
$80 saving off RRP!

Sign up now for 2025!

Download 2025 Subscription Form Here.

Complete the form online, then save and email back to Lamont

What's Coming Next Month

Previous Years Teacher Notes

2025 Short List Teacher Notes

Coming Later